Jars Reflection
  • The Mischief in the Kerchief is here!

    Welcome to my blog exploring the creative process. I am currently engaged in a photographic project involving the fascinating fairy tale character Baba Yaga, the Russian witch. I will document the perils of an artist as they navigate the world of creation. Please feel free to comment or offer suggestions, I am hoping to transform the solitary world of an artistic creation into a conversation. Truthful discovery of the root of my obsession will sharpen the message I would like to convey in this project, as well as improve my entire creative practice.

A Tourist In My Own Life

I am a tourist in my own life. Being a tourist means observing from the outside. I have been traveling, experiencing people, places and lives that are new to me. I am still traveling, moving around the city, living in borrowed homes. Experiencing life with my friends in ways that has allowed me to know … Continue reading

Drawing of a twisted old tree.

The Artist on the Top of the Mountain

I have felt extremely lost at different points in my life. I was lost because I had no destination. At this moment in time I am standing outside of any kind of life I had ever known. I am searching for many things. I am looking for a job, looking for a place to live … Continue reading

Life’s Reset Button

I have found my life’s reset button. I am currently sitting at the controls with my finger firmly pressed. I have been traveling for the past four months. Three of these months I have been visiting friends and family all over the world. The past month I have been back in Australia, jumping from place … Continue reading

The entrance to Schoolhouse Studios, Abbotsford, Melbourne Australia

Heide inspires the Schoolhouse!

The Schoolhouse Studios in Nicholson Street Abbotsford owes much of it’s sense of community to John and Sunday Reed, the founders of Heide. The Reeds continue to support budding Australian artists by inspiring an inner city version of Heide. The former Sophia Mundi school is surrounded by greenery, behind the old school yard is an … Continue reading

Foxx on Fire Band on Stage

The Life of the Artist – Experience and Report Back

I am on the verge of travel. The reasons for this trip are numerous, but the simple answer is a need to step out of my life for a while.  Part of travel is finding the hidden pieces of yourself that get buried in routine of daily life. Breaking the routine can free the pieces … Continue reading

A drawing of Baba Yaga's Face in a nest of twigs.

Trust Yourself, Trust the Process

Enjoy the process of creation, it is the only time your work belongs entirely to you. If you do not enjoy the act of creation, you are doing it wrong. I know this because I often do it wrong. I completed the first shoot for the Baba Yaga project last week and became overwhelmed with … Continue reading

Conrad and Emma do a sound check

Inspiring by Example

I attended a lounge room gig last Wednesday night. The concept was line the floor with cushions, set up a mike and amps, light for ambiance and invite friends for an intimate party. It was a fantastic night. Conrad, who hosted the party played a great set with his band.  After the band finished their … Continue reading

Rock, Paper, Scissors – Art Wins!

It is now time to create Baba Yaga’s multi-textured world. I have been making the various character’s heads out of clay and debating how to construct the rest of the creature. I love working with clay but it can be a bit tricky and limiting. A character created in clay is a commitment to it’s … Continue reading

My Illustration of Baba Yaga's Face

I want to draw like a Cave Person

I want to draw like a cave person. I fell in love with Werner Herzog’s Cave of Forgotten Dreams. The film was shot in 3D in the Chauvet caves in France of the drawings of  horses, aurochs, lions, and bison that cover the walls. The light of the filmmaker’s torches flickered across the cave drawings, … Continue reading